Monday, February 13, 2012

When will I ever find time for this?

I have been wanting to blog for years now.  In the time it took me to finish the previous sentence, I was set upon by my two precocious children begging for pickles, pretzels, and for me to open the blinds behind me.  The blinds are closed so the glare won't affect the computer screen.  And it was a no on the pickles, but I did get them each a small bowl of pretzels.  The pretzels were purchased in bulk from Amazon, and even though we've been eating them for almost a week (and will continue to eat them for at least another week), they don't seem sick of them yet.  

My life is full of those hurry up and wait moments, interspersed with periods of doing absolutely nothing but checking Facebook or staring at a wall.  Mornings are always the worst since I am absolutely not a morning person, but my children are.  I'll fight for even five extra minutes of sleep.  Just this morning, my husband bitterly commented that it must be nice to sleep in every day.  I squeezed my eyes shut even harder against the day while mumbling that it must nice to go to Starbucks every morning and look forward to a day filled solely with adults and not have to count down the seconds until someone needs their butt wiped.  Did he want to switch?  He laughed and walked out of the room.  He's good about pouring them a bowl of cereal and switching on the cartoons while I try to steal even thirty more seconds of sleep.  It doesn't help we don't go to bed until midnight or later.  Nighttime has always been when I have the most energy.  I was always one of those kids that had to constantly be told to go to bed.  It's amazing I even get the boy to school on time when on the days when he is home and we have a play date at ten in the morning, we are invariably half an hour late.  No real reason.  Just can't get our act together.

I'm hoping to use this blog to talk about some of my favorite things, but also those weird thoughts you get at 1 in the morning when you know you should be sleeping and can't.  I also need a place to vent that isn't Facebook and won't be seen by friends and family who will hunt me down and skin me alive for daring to shed light on some of our "issues."

Most importantly, I want this blog to help keep  I feel lost sometimes.  I'll suddenly remember a goal or vision I had ten or fifteen years ago that was so all consuming at that moment in my life and today barely survives as an afterthought.  Is it possible to hold on to yourself or is change just inevitable?  I don't know.

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