Monday, February 20, 2012

I think I know how I'm going to die

Do you ever contemplate death?  Do you ever wonder how it's all going to end?  Hmmm, sounds like the beginning to a long forgotten teenage angsty poem I once wrote.

So, last Friday, I had food poisoning.  Bad shrimp salad I scarfed down late Thursday night.  Probably should have noticed it was rank, but I was hungry and it tasted fine.  Ended up paying for my last minute meal by throwing up for 18 hours beginning the moment I opened my eyes come Friday morning.

As I lay in my bed contemplating my misery, I thought, you know, I'm always sick.  I've always got a cold, or an allergy attack, or an attack of arthritis, or whatever.  And I thought, I'm a 33 year old woman who is not in terrible shape, a smidge overweight, works out occasionally, but no matter what I do or eat, I'm always sick.  Granted some of my ailments are whiny, poor me complaints, but hey....

I've always been sick.  As I child, I rarely had a good weekend when I wasn't vomiting or had a fever.  And yet, doctors just told my parents I was just being a kid.  I don't like to medicate, but I was definitely over-medicated in the antibiotics department as a kid.  Since moving to Florida, having all of these allergies doesn't help either.  And when I'm sick with a cold, boy is it a doozy!  My hubby will be sick for a day, I'm sick for a week.  He gets a fever.  I get a fever, coughing, and vomiting.  He has a stuffy nose, I get a double ear infection.

And that's how I know what my death will be.  I will be one of those old people lying a hospital bed dying of .... pneumonia.  Not glamorous.  Just coughing my brains out until I drown in my own fluids.  Wonderful.  But, hopefully, I'll be a hundred and twenty-five with 75% of me bionically replaced while scores of great great great grandchildren weep at my passing.

Or I'll die in a few months when the world ends as the Mayan calendar predicts.  Time will tell!

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